The college is very keen on conducting various training programmes in the form of ROTP’s and CME’s which are sponsored by RAV New Delhi.
- Department of Panchakarma organised CME for Physicians, in collaboration with AIAC, sponsored by Ministry of Ayush, GOI from 6th to 11th September, 2021.
- Department of Panchkarma conducted CME for Panchkarma Teachers/Physician sponsored by RAV New Delhi from 15th to 20th March 2021.
- Department of Panchkarma organised 6 days CME for Physicians Sponsored by RAV New Delhi from 10 to 15th Oct 2011.
- Department of Dravyaguna organised 6 days ROTP for Teachers Sponsored by RAV New Delhi from 20 to 25 Sept 2010.
- Department of Panchkarma organised 4 days CME programme from 21/4/2009 to 23/4/2009.
- Department of Panchkarma and Karyakarta Abhyasvarg organised a CME programme in collaboration with Vishwa Ayurveda Parishad on 08/09/2019.
- The college organized an awareness workshop on AIDS in collaboration with Punjab state AIDS CONTROL SOCIETY and a few NGO’s on 02/12/2019.
- Transitional curriculum organized for 1st year new admission.
- Organized Ayurveda Parv from 19-21 March, 2021.
- Inter departmental lectures series organized.
- IDY 2021 celebrated.
- Participated in celebration of AZADI KA AMRIT MAHOTSAVA by rendering National Anthem and Marathon and uploaded video.
- Celebrated Sanskrit day/week.
- Seminar on New Education Policy was organized in our campus on 28th Aug., 2021 in Panchnad Research Institute, Jalandhar Study Centre, Jalandhar.
- Organized Sanskrit Sambhashanshivir at Dayanand Ayurvedic College from 06/09/2021 to 16/09/2021 for 10 days by department of Basic Principles.
- Held CME for AMOs in our college from 6.9.2021 to 11.9.2021 sponsored by All India Ayurvedic Congress
- Organized various Awareness lectures in different schools by the faculty members
- Participation in online celebration of Ayurveda Day 2021 in Romania on 2nd November, 2021 by Principal Dr. Sanjeev Sood.
- Dr. Parikshit Sharma Co-ordinated program on theme ‘Ayurveda for Poshan’ in celebration of Ayurveda Day on 2nd November, 2021
- Dr. Rohit Johari presented paper in SAMSIDDHI 2021 International web conference 16 Aug-12 Sept. 2021 organised by Ayurveda college Coimbatore & DIKSHA E-Learning.
- Dr. Rohit Johari Participated in 3 day Teachers Training Programme on Dravyaguna organized by Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth, New Delhi & National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur held on 30th November to 2nd December 2021 in forest of Padamdungari, Surat, Gujarat.
- Dr. Chander Shekhar participated as a delegate in Jignasa International Conference held from 9th to 11th Dec., 2021.
- Participated as a Judge for the Jignasa 2021 paper presentation competition during Jignasa International conference held in Dec. 21
Training to teachers (TTT):-
- C.C.I.M. has selected our college as Pilot Study Centre for organizing Teachers Training Programme. The first of which was organized in our college on 7 & 8.11.2017 and second was held on 13 & 14.12.2017 for 50 participants in each programme.
- Dr. Vibhu Participated in “NATIONAL TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAMME” In Kriya Sharir From 28th to 31st january2021
- Attended a TWO-DAY NATIONAL CONFERENCE online on “quality control of Indian medicinal plants- “standardized raw material to finished products” on 25th to 26th March’2021 Organized By Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak.
- Attended a ONE-DAY LECTURE ONLINE at “Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies”, on Friday 11 June, 2021, organised by Elesvier Publications.
- Attended a WEBINAR for one day online on Basics of Rheology for Pharmaceutical Applications on june’2021, organised by Lovely University Punjab.
- Participated in “AYURYOG EXPO AND AROGYA FAIR” organized by Vishwa Ayurveda Parishad, September’2021.
- Participated in “NATIONAL LEVEL ESSAY COMPETITION” on November’2021, organized by IPvc, ITRA Jamnagar, ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India
- Faculty member participated in unique training programme designed for the teachers to provide practical demonstration on patients conducted by RAV on 7-8 Feb, 2020 at Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
- Faculty members participated in training progamme on SOPs of Prakriti Assessment Scale and hands on training on AYUR Prakriti Web portal organized by CCRAS 25 to 27 Jan. 2020.
- Faculty member attended National Webinar on Boosting Immunity through Ayurveda, organized by Guru Ravidas Ayurvedic University, Hoshiarpur, Punjab, 24th July, 2020.
- Faculty member Participated as a trainee with MOHFW and Ministry of AYUSH: National TOT (Training of Trainers) AYUSH doctors & Practitioners for COVID-19 Preparedness, Response and Containment, April 04, 2020.
- Participated in Sanskrit seminar at DAV college, Jalandhar on 12.2.2020.
- Celebrated 5th National Ayurveda Day in college campus on 13.11.2020.
- Constituted various committees in college and hostel for surveillance and implementation of Covid-19 guidelines for protection of staff and students from virus transmission.