After the Nirvana of Swami Dayanand (Oct.30, 1883), some of his disciplined followers led by Lala Lalchand gathered at Lahore on Nov. 8, 1883 and determined to convey his preechings through Anglo-Vedic educational institutes a synthesis of vedic heritage and western knowledge. The entire responsibility was put on the shoulders of Lala Hans Raj. Popularly known as Mahatma Hans Raj. Consequently Dayanand Anglovedic College and Management Society was established in Jan. 1886 under society Registration Act. 1860 and this marked the beginning of DAV (Dayanand Anglo Vedic) Movement.

The movement founded as a small school at Lahore in June, 1886, gradually spread to various corners of North India with the selfless efforts of its followers. It suffered a set back in 1947, but after the partition, it was re-established in India by some of its dedicated personalities.

DAV College Trust & Management Society has been nurtured gradually into caring and experienced hands of eminent educationists, social workers and academicians like Sh. G.L. Dutta, Vice Chancellor, Vikram University, Ujjain, Lala Suraj Bhan Vice Chancellor, Kurukshetra and Punjab University, Sh. Mehr Chand Mahajan-Chief Justice of India, Sh. J.L. Kapoor-Judge Supreme Court and Sh. Darbari Lal an able administrator. Sh. Poonam Suri, great educationalist, is now at the helms of its affairs as its president.

Now DAV College Trust & Management Society has become the largest Non Govt. Educational Society in India. DAV College Managing Committee is the administrative branch of the society and looks after its various activities. It has about 700 schools, colleges and other institutes in India & abroad. Dayanand Ayurvedic College is one these and is the oldest Ayurvedic College in India.