Department Of Dravyagunavijnana (Pharmacognosy & Pharmacology)
Faculty of the department:
- Dr. Surinder Sharma, MD (Ayu), Professor & H.O.D.
- Dr. Rohit Johari, MD (Ayu), Associate Professor
- Dr. Amrita Sharma, MD (Ayu), Assistant Professor
- Dr. Monika Sharma, MD (Ayu), Assistant Professor
Highlight And Future Thrust Areas (In Accordance And Future Prescribed Syllabus By C.C.I.M.)
(Key: S-Syllabus, H-Highlights, FTA-Future Thrust Areas)
1. S Identification, Collection & Preservation of drugs.
2. H Ayurvedic as well as Modern pharmacognostical Methods
- Organoleptic (Macroscopic) Method
- Microscopic Method
- Chemical Method
- Herbal garden having 250 species, some important species are- Lavanga (Syzygium aromaticum), Dalcini (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), Marica (Piper nigrum), Pippali (Piper longum), Pasana bheda (Berginea sp.), Dhataki (Woodfordia fruiticosa), Banafsa (Voila odorata), Tezovati (Zanthoxylum alatum) etc.
- Besides market samples, drugs collected from high altitude, Joginder nagar (H.P), Solan (H.P) and Pathankot (Pb.)
- Dry and wet preservation.
- Plants preserved in formalin in their fresh state.
- Educational tours to various herbal gardens & wild plantation areas in different parts of the country.
- Herbarium includes 70 families.
- Photographs & Charts.
- Practicals according to designed Performa.
- Audio-visual methods
3. FTA Elaboration of Pharmagonostical Methods.
- Cultivation of more plants in herbal garden.
- Co-operation with other governmental & non-governmental organizations to acquire land for cultivation of plants.
- Development of green house.
- Development of herbarium.
- Controversial drugs.
4. S Classification & Grouping of drugs on different basis.
5. H Importance of different Classifications & Grouping mentioned in Samhitas and Nighantus. 330 dry drugs classified according to Ayurvedic Classification.
6. FTA Elaboration of classification
- Procurement of more dry samples
7.S Compilations
8.H 194 Compilations Documentations. Complete description of a plant according to Ayurvedic texts and research according to modern activities.
- Latest information displayed on Departmental Notice Board.
9. FTA Access to internet
10. S Principles of Ayurvedic Pharmacology (Rasapancaka) and Modern Pharmacology (Pharmaco-dynamics & Pharmaco-kinetics).
11. H Separate emphasis laid on Ayurvedic & Modern Principles.
- Teaching made effective & practical.
- Actions explained on the basis of Gurvadi Gunas & Tridosika Siddhanta.
- Clinical demonstration of drug action.
12. FTA Setting up a laboratory for demonstration & Rasapancaka.