Department Of Stri Rog Vigyan
Prasuti Tantra & Stree Roga is a significant branch of Ayurveda, dealing with child birth / parturition (Prasuti Tantra/Obstetrics) & Gynaecological (Stree roga) disorders. The teaching and training about the disorders of a female body of all ages is being imparted by this department. The department provides its extended services round o’ clock 7 days of week to needful patients. To fulfill teaching needs we have:–
- Well equipped museum with all gynaecological and surgical specimens, teaching materials, gynaecological charts and slides. All essential practical are carried out in this department.
- Efficient learned teaching faculty
- Good library with updated books
- Department has well established OPD, IPD, minor and major OT’s
- Department also has innovative practices in patient care
- It is the branch that originates with the concept of maintenance of the physical and mental health of a women throughout various stages of life.
- To maintain genital tract health, to strengthen genital organs thereby preventing from genital tract diseases.
- To promote Garbhini Paricharya through quality teaching and clinical training.
- Explore Ayurvedic treatment modalities for various gynaecological disorders.
- To upgrade the teaching ,training and patient care.
- To provide excellent experience and services to society.
- To be the major specialist service provider for the population
- To improve the environment for patient and staff
- To work in collaboration with other specialties.
- Pre-conceptional care in Ayurveda
- To produce the graduates of Ayurveda through timely innovative and creative training program who can excel in patient care
- Addressing the immunological and infective pathology of genital tract local treatment methods like Yonipichu, Prakshalan, Varti, Dhupan, Yonipuran And Abhyang
- Operation Theatre (OT)-
- Available for routine, emergency work (major and minor)
- Well equipped with neonatal care facilities
- Well equipped Labour room
- OPD-
- Management of risk pregnancies.
- Treatment for infertility (Ayu.)
- Treatment for PCOD, DUB, white discharge (Shwet Pradar) in Ayurvedic aspect
- Easy normal Labour and Cessarian section if required
- Hysterectomy
- Uttar Basti( intra- uterine medication given in the cavity of uterus) for Tubal blockage
- Dr. Pratibha Sharma, MD (Ayu), Assistant Professor