Department of Swasthavritta & Naturopathy
Swasthavritta deals with the first and prime motto of Ayurveda i.e. swasthasya swaasthayarakshanam
Various type of activities which affect our individual as well as public health are dealt by “Department of Swasthavritta”. These include-
- Individual hygiene
- Social hygiene
- Yoga
- Naturopathy
- Health policies, administration and statistics.
Faculty of the Department
1. Dr. Gagan Thakur, MD (Ayu), Associate Professor & H.O.D.
2. Dr. Amandeep, MD (Ayu), Assistant Professor
Department has been running successfully the OPD of Clinical Yoga and Naturopathy.
The facilities available here are:-
Asanas – various techniques
- Pranayama – various techniques
- Shatkarmas
- Dhyana (Meditation)
- Mudras
- Vishisht Mardan & Samvatan (Acupressure)
- Kant Loh Chikitsa (Magnetotherapy)
- Ghati Chikitsa (Cuptherapy)
- Tras Chikitsa (Reflexotherapy)
- Prakritik Chikitsa (Shortly to be introduced)
- Jal Chikitsa (Hydrotherapy)
- Vayu & Aatap Snaana (Air & Sun bath)
- Sugandha Chikitsa (Aroma therapy)
- Rang Chikitsa (Chromotherapy)
- Vyayama
- Music Therapy
Patients related with Vatik disorders such as Aamavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis), Sandhivata (Osteoarthritis), Joint disorders, Sciatica, Shira Shool are treated by Acupressure. Patients with disorders like Tamaka Shawas (Asthma), Mansik Vikara, Mano Sharirik Vikara (Psychosomatic disorders), Prishtha shool, Grivaa Satambhaa, Pakshaghata, Drishti Rog (Eye disorders), Paachan Sansthan Sambandhi Vikara (Digestive disorders), Raktgatvaata (Hypertension) are also cured here successfully.
The success rate of visiting patients in this OPD is very high and will increase more in the near future.